Upcoming Events

Student Organization Events

First Gen in Tech

Event date: Monday, November 9, 2020
Sponsored by: ITO - Information Technology Organization

What to Expect

The tech industry is one of the fastest growing in the US, and there are so many job opportunities in tech just waiting to be filled.

After attending our event, you'll not only learn which jobs will help you break into the industry, but also how to ask your imposter syndrome to take the day off (or two), how to select and apply for jobs, and to gain tips for landing your first job in tech.


  • Live AND on-demand sessions to experience First-Gens in Tech at your own pace
  • A dedicated Slack community for attendees and speakers to connect and complement your digital experience
  • Customized sessions for attendees that want to learn about specific jobs or careers
  • Office Hours with industry professionals
  • Virtual meetups to meet and connect with fellow first-gens both in tech and those who are looking to break in tech
  • And more!

Featured Speaker