Programming Language HomePage

Python is the "most powerful language you can still read".
- Paul Dubois

Discussion of Programming Language Expectations

Successful analytics organizations are always decision-driven. They start by asking what business decisions they need data and analytics for, then invest resources to collect the right data and build the right analytics.
Y. Karen Zheng, Associate Professor, Operations Management


  • MBA students are increasingly expected to have the ability to code in Python.
  • This versatile language is being used across industries for a variety of applications, such as automating processes and streamlining operations.
  • Learning Python gives business students an opportunity to gain insights into data analytics, which can help them better understand customer needs and build effective marketing campaigns.

Welcome Software Developers!

The hottest new programming language is English
Andrej Karpathy, Previous Director of AI @ Tesla

Almost Timely News: How Large Language Models Are Changing Everything (2023-03-19),
Christopher Penn,


  • ChatGPT and other similar large language models (LLM) tools fundamentally change the role of office workers by transforming them into software developers or “prompt engineers”
  • The prompts employees write can be valuable intellectual property and thus processes and policies should be in place to protect them
  • APIs help to scale prompts, allowing them to be used across entire companies and departments
  • Companies should take advantage of ChatGPT’s capabilities and train their employees in prompt engineering and software development
  • Employee agreements must include protections on intellectual property as well as provisions for potential revenue sharing with the employee
  • This is essential in order to remain competitive and ahead of the talent wars that are coming

Microsoft Introduces Python in Excel!

Python is one of the most in-demand skills we’re hearing from colleges and universities, and we’re thrilled that the Excel and Python pairing will provide educators and students with a powerful new gateway to move faster with analytics, enable greater collaboration and learning, and ultimately bridge students to even brighter futures
Rebecca Olson, Sr. Portfolio Director, McGraw Hill Education
Python in Excel


  • Python in Excel is now available on a rolling basis for Microsoft 365 Insiders program beta channel members, the Redmond tech giant announced on Tuesday. This change allows those Excel users to execute Python analytics within their worksheets. It pairs Python’s data analysis and visualization libraries with Excel’s features, plus the ability to call Python analytics from Anaconda’s enterprise-grade Python distribution hub.”
  • With Python in Excel, users will be able to type Python code directly into an Excel cell. The Python calculations will run on Microsoft’s cloud servers and be delivered back to the Excel sheet.
  • Python plots and libraries will be capable of manipulating and exploring data in Excel. From there, users can apply Excel’s formulas, charts and PivotTables to the data they have calculated in Python.

  • With its Anaconda Distribution for Python running in Azure, Python in Excel will call common Python libraries, including pandas (data manipulation), statsmodels (advanced statistical modeling), and Matplotlib and seaborn (data visualization).



Python is used to provide the MBA student with an understanding of programming language concepts.  Python is used across industries and used for many common applications.  Python is easy to understand, learn, and use.  

For a business student, the ability to code in Python is increasingly becoming a necessary skill set. This powerful language is being utilized by organizations to create applications that automate processes and streamline operations. Additionally, coding in Python allows students to gain valuable insights into complex data analytics, allowing them to better understand customer needs, build effective marketing campaigns, develop data-driven strategic business plans, and make better decisions for their organization. 


o    Module 1: Python Basics
    Types,  Expressions & Variables, String Operations
o    Module 2: Python Data Structures
    Lists & Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
o    Module 3: Python Programming Fundamentals
    Conditions & Branching, Loops, Functions, Objects & Classes
o    Module 4: Working with Data in Python
    Reading files with open, Writing files with open, Loading data with Pandas
o    Module 5: Working with Numpy Arrays and Simple APIs
    Numpy 1D Arrays, Numpy 2D Arrays, Simple APIs, API Setup

o    Python for Data Science 

Allocated Times:
  • 22 hours expected time allocation

  • Meeting 10
    • Module 1: Python Basics
    • Module 2: Python Data Structures
  • Meeting 10
    • Module 3: Python Programming Fundamentals
    • Module 4: Working with Data in Python
  • Meeting 11
    • Module 5: Working with Numpy Arrays & Simple APIs
    • Python Exam

Assignments / Quizzes
Discussion Questions

1. What are the main benefits of using Python for programming?

2. How does Python compare to other popular programming languages like Java or C++?

3. What types of applications can be created with Python?

4. Are there any industries or sectors where Python is particularly useful?

5. What are some of the most popular Python libraries and frameworks?

6. How can learning to program in Python help open up career opportunities?

7. What are the main challenges of programming with Python?

Every industry over the next five to eight years will completely transform the way it’s digitizing its relationships with its customers. We have seen a big shift in e-everything, e-commerce, e-banking, e-insurance, e-healthcare.
Thomas Kurian
Thomas Kurian
Google Cloud Chief Executive