Management Consulting Assignment

This consulting assignment focuses on learning the programming tool, Python, and how to perform analytics with it to generate insights.

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Management Consulting Letter



From: Brian Meek


Consultant, the LJL Industries executive team has asked for you to lead a discussion that highlights analytic technology solutions using Python programming tools.  

As this is your last consulting engagement, you must complete your post-assessment skills inventory when you finish your Knowledge Preparation and Knowledge Assessment components. 

The post-assessment survey can be found at ... 


Brian Meek

Managing Director

Knowledge Preparation

To prepare for you meeting with the LJL Industries executive team, complete all the training videos on ...

  • Module 1: Python Basics
    Types, Expressions & Variables, String Operations
  • Module 2: Python Data Structures 
    Lists & Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
  • Module 3: Python Programming Fundamentals 
    Conditions & Branching, Loops, Functions, Objects & Classes
  • Module 4: Working with Data in Python 
    Reading files with open, Writing files with open, Loading data with Pandas
  • Module 5: Working with Numpy Arrays and Simple APIs 
    Numpy 1D Arrays, Numpy 2D Arrays, Simple APIs, API Setup
Knowledge Assessment

Demonstrate your knowledge on Analytic Tools (Python Programming Language) by completing the quizzes on ...

Demonstrate your mastery of Python programming concepts by Earning Python Programming Certification: 

Python Certification
Thought-Provoking Questions
  1. What are the main benefits of using Python for programming?
  2. How does Python compare to other popular programming languages like Java or C++?
  3. What types of applications can be created with Python?
  4. Are there any industries or sectors where Python is particularly useful?
  5. What are some of the most popular Python libraries and frameworks?
  6. How can learning to program in Python help open up career opportunities?
  7. What are the main challenges of programming with Python?
Modern Computer Classroom
Consulting Assignment - CEO Presentation
Consulting Assignment - Details

The executive team of LJL Industries is looking for you to lead a discussion that highlights analytic technology solutions using Python programming tools.  

Explore the current Categories of Topics and the Trending Tags at ... This is where you will collaborate and share insights with your peers.  

Use the following research article to guide your discussion.