How to get your Instagram page up and running?


If you are trying to start building your social media profile, then starting with an Instagram page is the easiest way.  Getting the hang of Instagram will allow you to practice how social media works and what is excepted from you in order to grow in the internet world.  There are a few steps to get started, this includes the following:

  1. Make your account
  2. Figure out what your focus is
  3. Learn about Instagram and how it can help you grow
  4. Go ahead and post

1. Making your account:

This is the easiest step; all you need is an email address and to figure out what username you want to use. Instagram allows you to set up your account with just those two things and focus on a password. Once you find a clever name and you set your Instagram account you can move on to the next step.

2. Figure out what you want to focus on

Once you have your account set up, now comes the question of what you will be posting. What is your area of focus? Do you plan to just post your daily life and the things you do? or do you plan on posting about a subject (note this can be just about anything like drawing, ice skating, math, etc.)? Having this focus makes it easier for you to start thinking about what you want to capture and what not to waste your time on. Also, knowing that helps you prepare your post.

3. Learning about Instagram and how It can help you grow

             Congratulations you on choosing an area of focus and maybe you’ve already taken some photos/videos to post. Now understanding when and how to post. Instagram has high active times during the day when most people are logged in and active. Knowing what time allows you to know when to post so you can get the most interactions. You can look it up and find the times that work best for you and your location. Now posting, there is the option to have captions and hashtags. Having a catchy caption might help get people to follow mostly when your page is about teaching something like if you were teaching to draw you can have written captions summarizing how you did the piece or if you just post drawings, you can post what you used to do it or what it is. Hashtags like putting your posts into people's feeds that are interested in what you are posting. Going back to the drawing idea, you can put #drawing #colors #pencil #penandpaper… anything that will relate to the post thus when people are looking for anything related to that your post will show. In addition, if someone’s feed has a lot of art your post is most likely going to make it to their page. If you are unsure what to put, you can go check someone’s page that is doing well within that topic and get some ideas of what you can do.

4. Go ahead and post

             You are finally ready, go ahead and post. Make sure you have the area of focus. You have posts for every day, and captions and hashtags to go with them. Good luck!


Written by Ghadah Mozeb at