How Can I Find More Information Regarding Assignments for ISM 5705 / 7505

Assignment Information

Since ISM 5705/7505 is an online course, it can be difficult to find answers to certain items  such as information on how to complete specific assignments as well as the requirements for each assignment.

A question students may have is, "How can I find more information on assignments for this class?" 

How can I find more information on assignments for this class?

There are many useful resources available from the business school and from WSU to find information on how to complete assignments for Inbound Information Technology. These resources includes navigating through Canvas, HubSpot, Inbound Information Technology course website, the student Knowledge Base, and asking the professor.

On Canvas, students are able to see when each assignment is due, once they click on the assignment a short description is also available. This information also includes the due date. Information can be found by clicking on Modules where all assignments are shown and also the Assignments tab is a way students can find the same information. After reading and navigating through Canvas, students can also navigate to the class syllabus for more information. For example, the Vlog/Blog Assignment details are stated in the syllabus. This includes what content is required and it also includes additional links for support. The syllabus is an overview that is available from the beginning of the semester which includes class structure and policies. 

 Additionally, many times HubSpot has tutorial videos on the various assignments. This is a good guide which is extremely helpful and these videos provide step-by-step instructions and explains the significance of the task required to complete. The main source would be going to the class website, the link can also be found on Canvas, under Home, Home page course material. This website includes all of the information and lectures for the class. It is very easy to navigate, the bar at the top includes main topics and drop downs to show each assignment. The website includes an introduction of the topic, relevant videos, and links to additional sources to help complete each assignment. 

If students still have questions after using the resources stated, there is a designated area to find answers and also ask specific questions. This is called the Knowledge Base. The website is broken down into sections where you can click and find questions others have asked previously, along with the answers to these questions. It is also very easy ask questions on this website, so it is always encouraged to do so. Lastly, to get some more information on the assignment or if there is any confusion, students can also reach out to the professor for further guidance. 

There are many resources out there to help answer any questions students may have. These resources include the main Canvas page and the syllabus with important assignment information. Also, the main website, HubSpot, and knowledge base are a good place to look for answers. Additionally, it is important to communicate with the professor if there is still any confusion after actively looking for an answer. It is essential to utilize the resources available. 


Written by: Ishpreet Kaur

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