Quantum Computing

Technology Trends - 2022

Quantum Computing (QC)

Quantum Computing (QC) will enable machines to handle information in a fundamentally different way from classical computers. This coupled with the enormous computing power provided by quantum computers should allow much more complex and faster data simulations leading to technological breakthroughs in many business sectors.  Because of this, Bernard Marr predicts that quantum computers could fundamentally change how we approach problems such as logistics, portfolio management, and drug innovations.

Quantum ComputingMcKinsey states that the next-generation of computing will reflect on quantum computing.  Next-generation computing could find answers to problems facing science and society as well as unlocking unprecedented capabilities for businesses.  QC potential can reduce the development time for chemicals and pharmaceuticals by utilizing simulations, can accelerate autonomous vehicles with Quantum AI, and can transform cybersecurity.

Quantum Computing TrendIt is forecasted that revenues for the global quantum computing market will surpass $8.6 billion by 2027. (Statista)   The annual average growth could be more than 40% between 2020 and 2030.

Accenture is highlighting that the boundaries of traditional industries will be reset as we begin Computing the Impossible.  Thus, the outer limit of what is computationally possible is being disrupted as a new class of quantum and high-performance computers emerges allowing businesses to tackle challenges in their industries.