What Are Cryptographic Standards?

Introduction to Quantum Computing

Cryptographic Standards

"Cryptographic standards, algorithms and encryption methods provide a foundation for e-commerce transactions, mobile device conversations and other exchanges of data."

The following video highlights that NIST is working to develop a new set of encryption standards that will work with current classical computers and will be resistant to the quantum machines in the future. 

Post-Quantum Cryptography

Two promising post-quantum cryptographic schemes are lattice-based cryptography and code-based cryptography. However, it is unlikely that these approaches will be compatible with current systems. Thus, new hardware and careful planning will be required before the current cryptographic standards are updated.

  • Lattice-based cryptography: based on problems on a set of points in n-dimensional space which have a periodic structure.  These sets of points are called lattices.  
  • Code-based cryptography: uses the properties of error correcting codes to secure information.  These systems consist of a public key, which adds random noise to a signal,  and a private key, which is an error correcting code capable of removing the noise.  
