What Is Digital Disruption?

New digital technologies can affect existing business models

Digital transformation is the big change that occurs when new digital technologies and business models disrupt existing products and services. A digital transformation can be triggered by a digital innovation, like the introduction of big data, the evolution of the internet-of-things (IoT), or the incorporation of machine learning. These digital innovations change how people expect products and services to meet their needs, which in turn affects how organizations create and deliver them.

Digital Transformation

As a result, digital transformations present both challenges and opportunities for organizations. To successfully navigate a digital transformation, organizations need to understand the disruption, identify the opportunities it presents, and develop a plan to capitalize on them. Additionally, it is important to be aware of digital transformations that are happening in other industries as they may provide insights into how your industry will be disrupted. Finally, it is essential to communicate the purpose of the digital transformation to all stakeholders to ensure buy-in and support. Pursuing a digital transformation can be difficult, but it is necessary to stay competitive in today's increasingly digital world.


Key questions for the organization to ask in the era of digital disruption.

  1. Can you see disruption coming?
  2. Are you looking outside your industry?
  3. Is your organization communicating its purpose clearly?
  4. Are you fighting complacency?


Thus, remember, it is important to be aware of, embrace, and pursue initiatives that might cause a disruption. With the right strategies and mindset, organizations can capitalize on digital transformation opportunities.
