What Is RSA Cryptography?

Introduction to Quantum Computing


The RSA algorithm involves four steps:

  1. Key Generation (a public key and a private key
  2. Key Distribution,
  3. Message Encryption
  4. Message Decryption


  • m = plaintext message
  • c = unreadable ciphertext
  • e = Public Key
  • d = private key
  • N = large number which is the product of two prime numbers
  • p = prime number
  • q = prime number
  • r = periodicity


  • Modular Exponentiation
  • Encrypted ciphertext
  • Decrypt ciphertext
  • Order finding
  • choose e
  • solve for d or de mod r = 1 


  1. Key Generation
    1. choose prime numbers for "p" and "q" at random --- p = 2, q = 5
    2. calculate "N" = p * q --- N = 2 * 5 = 10
    3. determine "e" and "d" -- need to determine the periodicity property

    4. (p-1)(q-1) / r = integer
      (2-1)(5-1) / 4 = 1*4 = 4
      this checks compared to the observed period "r"
    5. now, determine "e" and "d"
      first choose an "e" such that 3 <= e <= r
      1. e = 3
