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Why do companies use Inbound Information Technology?

Inbound Information Technology helps companies gain a greater understanding of their visitors and prospective customers.

Inbound Information allows companies to collect data, analyze it, and use it as a way to bolster their business against the competition. This Inbound Information is oftentimes used as part of a company’s marketing strategy as a way of generating potential leads and converting them into an eventual sale.

Highway Signpost with Inbound Marketing wording on Sky Background.HubSpot discusses the idea of the “inbound methodology”. The inbound methodology is the way that a company grows their organization through the process of building meaningful, lasting relationships with consumers, prospects, and customers. It’s about valuing and empowering these people to reach their goals at any stage in their journey with you. They indicate that the inbound methodology can be applied in three ways:

  • Attract – getting the attention of people with content.
  • Engage – present ideas, expertise, or solutions to the problem.
  • Delight – support customers so they are happy with their purchase. 

Focusing on these three points allow for companies to convert strangers into prospects, followed by customers and then promoters. Generating and qualifying leads, along with closing the sale, is just the tip of the iceberg though. It has been found that some of the best uses inbound information can be identified in nearly all areas of a company’s business.

Companies can also use Inbound Information, and Inbound Marketing, in a variety of additional ways, including:

  • To secure investment financing.
  • To recruit employees.
  • To find business partners to team up with.
  • To help get found by business partners for potential merger & acquisition.

These uses are all for the benefit of growing the business outside of the traditional method of generating leads and closing a sale. When a company is successfully using the Inbound Information to its fullest, it can help potential investors find them and allow the showcase why they could be a good investment opportunity. Additionally, having the ability to attract and recruit the best talent could lead to a strong and successful company in the long term. It also allows for other business partners to find them, whether to team up for a strategic business partnership or even for an eventual merger at some point in the future.

When a company uses Inbound Information to its fullest, they are able to build a strong foundation to their business. Through this strong foundation, they are able to distinguish themselves from the competition, to both customers and potential employees. Finally, strategic partnerships could help to solidify the strength of the company, helping to keep it successful. 


Knowledge Base Article by: Abigail Dedene